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Important documents and forms

If you have any questions about these forms or how to complete them, please contact us or telephone 01204 803 500. It may also help to refer to our online glossary for explainations of technical and unfamilar terms.

Please tell your adviser if you change your postal address, telephone number or email address. If you no longer have an adviser, please contact us directly to ensure Embark holds your up-to-date contact details.

We are making changes to our fees. You should have received communications about the changes taking place. The new fees will be reflected on our Fee Schedule documentations on or before 1 March 2025.

Property Forms

For further information about commercial property, and to download our property literature and forms, please go to our property page.

Questions you’re likely to ask

A selection of most frequently asked questions. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact us or telephone 01204 803 500.

Some transfers can be done automatically via a system called Origo. This depends on the schemes and the providers involved. Origo transfers usually take around 10 working days to complete, not including the initial 48 hour set up period.

For transfers that cannot be done via Origo, we will issue instructions to the transferring provider as soon as we can following receipt of completed documentation, and within 10 working days. Non-Origo transfers take slightly longer than those done via Origo, however our transfer team will chase the transferring provider every 2 weeks to ensure the transfer completes as soon as possible.

If you have an active agency with us, please liaise with the customer services team who will set up an account for you.  You can do this by calling the customer services team or emailing [email protected].

If you don’t have an agency with us, please complete our Terms of Business and Registration Form. Logins will be provided once your agency is live.

Once we have all the necessary documentation and enough funds in your client’s SIPP bank account, we will make the payment as soon as we can, and within 8 working days.

Standing order. To set up a standing order, your client will need to contact their own bank directly. We do not set up standing orders. Most banks allow customers to do this online.

Direct Debit. Please complete our direct debit form. There is a charge of £10 p.a. plus VAT for using the direct debit facility.

Cheque. All cheques must be correctly referenced to the client and sent to:

Embark Pensions
Provincial House
37 New Walk

Bank transfer. Once your client’s SIPP has been set up, both you and the client will receive a welcome letter containing the SIPP bank account details. Once you have them, you can make the payment via bank transfer.

You can inform us of a change of address by emailing [email protected] and confirming the new address details. Please also send proof of the address. This can be a utility bill or council tax statement, no more than 3 months old.

Yes. You can create a badged version of our SIPP to offer your clients. This means you can focus on what you do best, while we take care of the rest.

To find out more, contact James Cannon on 07771 648 297 or via email to [email protected].

Our AKG Financial Strength Rating is B+. You can download our latest report here.

You can find our glossary of terms here.