Avoid pensions scams. Don’t let a scammer enjoy your retirement. Be ScamSmart and visit our ‘Being Aware of Pensions Scams or go to fca.org.uk/scamsmart to find out more. If you suspect a scam, report it to Action Fraud, see below.
Avoid pensions scams. Don’t let a scammer enjoy your retirement. Be ScamSmart and visit our ‘Being Aware of Pensions Scams or go to fca.org.uk/scamsmart to find out more. If you suspect a scam, report it to Action Fraud, see below.
If you have been issued login details, you can access your account using the button here.
Scammers are targeting pension pots of all sizes, they are sophisticated, opportunistic and will try many things. Don’t let a scammer enjoy your retirement.
Beware of investments / opportunities that appear to be too good to be true – they usually are, and could lead to you losing your life savings. If your pension transfer request has come from one of the following, please inform us immediately:
Please help us ensure your safety by remaining vigilant. We want to keep you safe. Fraudsters are taking advantage of the worry and uncertainty that may currently be felt by pension savers. It could be easy to let your guard slip, but keeping your money safe and secure really is more important than ever. Be wary of unsolicited third parties and do not be rushed into making decisions without taking appropriate advice.
If you have been a victim of fraud please contact the Police or Action Fraud.